167 research outputs found

    Petits textes pour grandes masses de données

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    National audienceWhen controlled, omnipresence of data can leverage a potential of services never reached before. We propose an user driven approach to take advantage of massive data streams. Our solution named Stream2Text rests on a personalized and continual refinement of data to generates texts (in natural language) that give in a tailored synthesis of relevant data. This textual stream enables monitoring by a wide range of users. It can also be shared on social networks or be used individually on mobile devices.. Maîtrisée, l'omniprésence des données offre aujourd'hui un potentiel de services sans précédent. Dans une optique centrée personne, nous proposons une solution étendue pour l'ex-ploitation de masses de données en flux. Notre solution, nommée Stream2Text, s'appuie sur un raffinement personnalisé et continu des données, et produit des textes (en langue naturelle) qui résument de manière personnalisée les données intéressantes pour l'utilisateur. Les flux textuels produits permettent un monitoring adapté à un large spectre d'utilisateurs et peut être partagé dans un réseau social ou utilisé individuellement à partir de dispositifs mobiles

    Mobile Transaction Supports for DBMS

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    National audienceIn recent years data management in mobile environments has generated a great interest. Several proposals concerning mobile transactions have been done. However, it is very difficult to have an overview of all these approaches. In this paper we analyze and compare several contributions on mobile transactions and introduce our ongoing research: the design and implementation of a Mobile Transaction Service. The focus of our study is on execution models, the manner ACID properties are provided and the way geographical movements of hosts (during transaction executions) is supported

    Astral: An algebraic approach for sensor data stream querying

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    The use of sensor based applications is in expansion in many contexts. Sensors are involved at several scales ranging from the individual (e.g. personal monitoring, smart homes) to regional and even world wide contexts (i.e. logistics, natural resource monitoring and forecast). Easy and efficient management of data streams produced by a large number of heterogeneous sensors is a key issue to support such applications. Numerous solutions for query processing on data streams have been proposed by the scientific community. Several query processors have been implemented and offer heterogeneous querying capabilities and semantics. Our work is a contribution on the formalization of queries on data streams in general, and on sensor data in particular. This paper proposes the Astral algebra; defining operators on temporal relations and streams which allow the expression of a large variety of queries. This proposal extends several aspects of existing results: it presents precise formal definitions of operators which are (or may be) semantically ambiguous and it demonstrates several properties of such operators. Such properties are an important result for query optimization as they are helpful in query rewriting and operator sharing. This formalization deepens the understanding of the queries and facilitates the comparison of the semantics implemented by existing systems. This is an essential step in building mediation solutions involving heterogeneous data stream processing systems. Cross system data exchange and application coupling would be facilitated. This paper discusses existing proposals, presents the Astral algebra, several properties of the operators

    Personalized Temporal Medical Alert System

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    International audienceThe continuous increasing needs in telemedicine and healthcare, accentuate the need of well-adapted medical alert systems. Such alert systems may be used by a variety of patients and medical actors, and should allow monitoring a wide range of medical variables. This paper proposes Tempas, a personalized temporal alert system. It facilitates customized alert configuration by using linguistic trends. The trend detection algorithm is based on data normalization, time series segmentation, and segment classification. It improves state of the art by treating irregular and regular time series in an appropriate way, thanks to the introduction of an observation variable valid time. Alert detection is enriched with quality and applicability measures. They allow a personalized tuning of the system to help reducing false negatives and false positives alert

    Formación para el trabajo

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    En la formación para el trabajo orientada en el Servicio Nacional de Aprendizaje (SENA), institución pública de educación formal e informal se educan personas, aprendices para su desempeño laboral en actividades en una función específica, es así que de diversas partes del país llegan a los diferentes centros de formación personas cuyo único interés es adquirir los conocimientos habilidades, destrezas, aptitudes y actitudes para poderse desempeñar en un ocupación laboral y de esta manera hacer parte de la fuerza trabajadora del país. En este recorrido llegan a los diferentes cursos de formación, adolescentes, jóvenes y adultos que necesitan desarrollar el conocimiento para incorporarse dentro de la sociedad productiva en un área determinada.Trabajo práctico realizado para el Seminario “Aprendizaje, desarrollo y construcción del conocimiento” de la Maestría en Educación (FAHCE-UNLP), dictado por las docentes María Alejandra Pedragosa y Analía Mirta Palacios.Facultad de Humanidades y Ciencias de la Educació

    Performances de protocoles transactionnels en environnement mobile

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    National audience. L'omniprésence d'unités mobiles et le développement des réseaux sans fil motivent des avancées en matière de supports d'exécution pour une grande variété d'applications en envi-ronnement mobile. Des efforts importants sont faits pour offrir une bonne gestion des données malgré les caractéristiques limitées de tels environnements. La notion de transaction a été ré-étudiée pour proposer des modèles et des protocoles permettant d'assurer certaines propriétés transactionnelles. Les algorithmes et protocoles proposés tentent d'optimiser l'utilisation des ressources des unités mobiles et de surmonter les limitations du réseau mobile. Dans cet article nous nous intéressons spécifiquement aux protocoles de validation de transactions réparties sur plusieurs unités dont certaines mobiles. Nous présentons ici les résultats d'un travail qui iden-tifie des propriétés qualitatives et des indices de performance quantitatifs, et étudie ceux-ci sur quatre protocoles (2PC, UCM, CO2PC et TCOT). Trois de ces protocoles sont des propositions spécifiques pour des environnements mobiles et sont représentatifs des propositions actuelles. Nous nous intéressons à la phase de validation des transactions, ainsi qu'à l'influence des dif-férents protocoles sur les performances du déroulement de l'ensemble des transactions. ABSTRACT. This is an abstract. The omnipresence of mobile devices and wireless networks lead to a growing interest in supporting a wide variety of applications in mobile environments. Numerous efforts in providing appropriate data managements for such environments are made. Transaction supports have been revisited to propose adapted transaction models and properties. Proposed algorithms and protocols try to optimise the use of mobile units resources and to overcome wireless network limitations. This work concerns protocols to commit transactions distributed over several mobile and fixed units. Results presented here concern the identification of qualitative properties and quantitative performance indices that are studied on four protocols (2PC, UCM, CO2PC et TCOT). Three of them are specifics propositions for mobile environments and are representative of current proposals. The analysis concerns the transaction validation phase as well as the impact of the protocols on the performances during a transaction execution itself. MOTS-CLÉS : transactions mobiles , evaluation de performances, protocoles de validation

    Adaptable Mobile Transactions and Environment Awareness

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    National audienceMobile environments are characterized by high variability (e.g. variable bandwidth, disconnections, different communication prices) as well as by limited mobile host resources. Such characteristics lead to high rates of transaction failures and unpredictable execution costs. This paper introduces an Adaptable Mobile Transaction model (AMT) that allows defining transactions with several execution alternatives associated to a particular context. The principal goal is to adapt transaction execution to context variations. An analytical study shows that using AMTs increases commit probabilities and that it is possible to choose the way transactions will be executed according to their costs. In addition, the middleware TransMobi is proposed. It manages environment awareness and implements the AMT model with suitable protocols.Les environnements mobiles sont caractérisés par une grande variabilité (bande passante variable, déconnexions, prix de communication différents, etc.) ainsi que par des uni-tés mobiles à ressources limitées. Ces caractéristiques entraînent un nombre important de défaillances transactionnels et des coûts d'exécution imprévus. Cet article introduit un modèle de transactions mobiles adaptables (AMT) permettant de définir des transactions avec plusieurs alternatives d'exécution. Le principal objectif est d'adapter l'exécution des transactions aux variations du contexte. Une étude analytique montre que les AMT augmentent la probabilité de validation et qu'il est possible de choisir le type d'exécution en fonction de son coût. Nous proposons également l'intergiciel TransMobi gérant la perception de l'environnement et implantant le modèle AMT à l'aide de protocoles appropriés

    Influencia del entrenamiento en caligrafía sobre problemas escriturales y el manejo del canón caligráfico en niños de segundo grado básica primaria

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    El presente proyecto de investigación responde a la pregunta: ¿cuál es la influencia del entrenamiento en caligrafía sobre problemas escriturales y el manejo del canon caligráfico en niños de segundo grado básico primario? El objetivo de esta investigación fue determinar la influencia de ejercicios caligráficos implementada en talleres secuenciales, en 30 niños de grado segundo, en edades comprendidas entre 7 y 8 años, de estrato socioeconómico de 1, 2 y 3, de la institución educativa Juan Manuel Gonzales, sede san Pedro y san pablo del municipio de Dosquebradas, en la mejora de los problemas de aprendizaje relacionados con la escritura como la omisión, la translación, sustitución y la inversión de letras y el manejo del canon del caligráfico. Los objetivos específicos fueron: diseñar talleres didácticos de caligrafía para mejorar los problemas de aprendizaje relacionados con la escritura, fortalecer en los niños y niñas de la institución educativa el manejo de la escritura, observar si la implementación de la caligrafía mejora los problemas de aprendizaje en los niños de grado 2° de primaria. Se fundamenta teóricamente desde los aportes de Fernando Romero Loaiza Jorge Alberto Valencia Lozano, Rubén Darío Arias Gutiérrez en la caligrafía expresiva, arte y diseño y otros autores. Finalmente la investigación presenta las conclusiones que otorgan una validez de la secuencia didáctica que se realizó, explicando la incidencia de la caligrafía y el canon caligráfico en el mejoramiento de los problemas escriturales, mediante la explicitación y uso de estrategias pedagógicas basadas en la enseñanza de la caligrafía.This research project responds to the question: what is the influence of training in calligraphy on scriptural and management problems of canon calligraphic second graders primary staple? The objective of this research was to determine the influence of calligraphic exercises implemented in sequential workshops in 30 second grade children, aged between 7 and 8 years of socioeconomic 1, 2 and 3, of the school Juan Manuel Gonzales, host Peter and Paul Dosquebradas township, in improving learning problems related to writing as omission, translation, substitution and investment management letters and calligraphic canon. The specific objectives were: calligraphic design educational workshops to enhance learning problems related to writing, strengthen children of school management writing, see if the implementation of calligraphy improves learning problems grade children 2nd grade. It is based theoretically from the contributions of Fernando Romero Jorge Alberto Valencia Loaiza Lozano, Ruben Dario Gutierrez Arias expressive calligraphy, art and design and others. Finally this research presents findings that provide validity of the teaching sequence was performed, explaining the incidence of calligraphy and calligraphic canon models in improving scriptural issues through the specification and use of teaching strategies based on the teaching of calligraphy

    Gestion de flux de données pour l'observation de systèmes

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    La popularisation de la technologie a permis d'implanter des dispositifs et des applications de plus en plus développés à la portée d'utilisateurs non experts. Ces systèmes produisent des flux ainsi que des données persistantes dont les schémas et les dynamiques sont hétérogènes. Cette thèse s'intéresse à pouvoir observer les données de ces systèmes pour aider à les comprendre et à les diagnostiquer. Nous proposons tout d'abord un modèle algébrique Astral capable de traiter sans ambiguïtés sémantiques des données provenant de flux ou relations. Le moteur d'exécution Astronef a été développé sur l'architecture à composants orientés services pour permettre une grande adaptabilité. Il est doté d'un constructeur de requête permettant de choisir un plan d'exécution efficace. Son extension Asteroid permet de s'interfacer avec un SGBD pour gérer des données persistantes de manière intégrée. Nos contributions sont confrontées à la pratique par la mise en œuvre d'un système d'observation du réseau domestique ainsi que par l'étude des performances. Enfin, nous nous sommes intéressés à la mise en place de la personnalisation des résultats dans notre système par l'introduction d'un modèle de préférences top-k.Due to the popularization of technology, non-expert people can now use more and more advanced devices and applications. Such systems produce data streams as well as persistent data with heterogeneous schemas and dynamics. This thesis is focused on monitoring data coming from those systems to help users to understand and to perform diagnosis on them. We propose an algebraic model Astral able to treat data coming from streams or relations without semantic ambiguity. The engine Astronef has been developed on top of a service-oriented component framework to enable a large adaptability. It embeds a query builder which can select a composition of components to provide an efficient query plan. Its extension Asteroid interfaces with a DBMS in order to manage persistent data in an integrated manner. Our contributions have been confronted to practice with the deployment of a monitoring system for the digital home and with a performance study. Finally, we extend our approach with an operator to personalize the results by introducing a top-k preference model.SAVOIE-SCD - Bib.électronique (730659901) / SudocGRENOBLE1/INP-Bib.électronique (384210012) / SudocGRENOBLE2/3-Bib.électronique (384219901) / SudocSudocFranceF

    La actividad física como juego en la educación inicial de los niños preescolares

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    RESUMEN: Describir como los programas de educación inicial incluyen el juego como actividad física en los niños en edad preescolar de Iberoamérica durante 1997-2007. Metodología: Revisión teórica tipo monografía, se revisó principalmente literatura no indexada relacionada con programas educativos que valoran acciones educativas que contribuyen al cuidado de los niños y su desarrollo. Resultados: la búsqueda bibliográfica arrojó un total de 203 artículos. En la evaluación de estos, se tomaron 40 artículos para la elaboración de resultados. Se establecieron dos espacios donde se desenvuelve el preescolar: primero el hogar, describiendo el papel de los padres o cuidadores en la promoción del juego pues ellos deben contar con herramientas necesarias para proporcionarles a sus hijos las mejores oportunidades para el desarrollo de sus capacidades. El otro espacio es la escuela, resaltando el papel fundamental que tiene el docente en la promoción del juego de los niños como medio de aprendizaje, así como el compromiso de las instituciones educativas en su promoción mediante la aplicación de políticas. Se sugiere que el juego se practique de forma libre, dirigido o promovido mediante una propuesta pedagógica. Conclusiones: Los artículos sobre actividad física en preescolares se centran en la prevención y manejo de patologías. Acciones encaminadas a la promoción del desarrollo difieren de una institución a otra. Se tiene información principalmente de la educación formal, siendo necesario investigar sobre la no formal. Se deben garantizar a los preescolares espacios adecuados para jugar.ABSTRACT:Aim: To describe how the programs of initial education include the game as physical activity on children in pre-school age from Latin America during 1997 - 2007. Methodology: Theoretical Review, it was checked principally not indexlinked literature related to educational programs that value educational actions that contribute to look after children and their development. Results: the bibliographical search showed 203 articles, in the evaluation of these ones, 40 articles were taken for the elaboration of results; two spaces were established where is developed the pre-school. Firstly, the home by describing the role of the parents or caregivers in order to promote the game, they must have the necessary tools to provide the best opportunities to their children for developing all their capacities. The other space is the school, highlighting the fundamental role that teacher has in the promotion of the game on children as way of learning, as well as the commitment of the educational institutions in their promotion by means of the application of policies, is suggested that the game should be free form practiced, directed or promoted by means of a pedagogical proposal. Conclusions: The articles about physical activity in pre-school are focus on the prevention and managing of pathologies. Actions directed to the promotion of the development differ from an institution to other one. Information is had principally of the formal education, being necessary to investigate on the no formal education. They must be guaranteed to the pre-school spaces adapted to play